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IRC 700nm

The BCF 700nm optical filter review.

What is a UV/IR Cut Filter

Camera sensors are typically sensitive to a broad spectrum of light, including ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) wavelengths. This can result in color distortions and a decrease in image sharpness when taking standard photos. To address this, UV/IR cut filters are used to block these unwanted wavelengths, allowing only visible light to reach the sensor.

For photographers who want to explore both UV and IR photography while still having the capability to capture regular images, UV/IR cut filters are essential. They enable a smooth transition between specialized UV/IR shooting and conventional photography, preserving image quality across different types of shots. By using a UV/IR cut filter, you can enjoy the full spectrum capabilities of your camera while ensuring that everyday images remain sharp and color-accurate.

The IRC 700nm filter

Tangsinuo's BCF700 filter is an Infrared Cut 700nm filter, which they sell as a cheap option of a Baader 700nm filter. With its sharp cutoff at 400nm and 700nm, is designed to block UV and IR light while allowing visible light to pass through. This kind of sharp cutoff is effective in providing a clear boundary for the transmitted wavelengths. However, this design may not be optimal for addressing certain color balance issues, particularly the red leakage that can occur with many camera sensors.

BCF700nm Test and Sample Images

A filter test was conducted using a still life scene that included a color chart and a gray card for accurate white balance (WB). The setup featured a plant with green leaves to check for any IR leakage on the vegetation. Initially, the WB was set to Auto, and then a custom WB was performed on the gray card during post-processing. The images below illustrate the color deviation when compared to those taken with a non-converted camera.

Key Points about Sharp Cutoff Filters:

Sharp Cutoff Characteristics:

A filter with sharp cutoffs will abruptly stop transmitting light outside its specified range. This can be effective for blocking unwanted UV or IR light, but it might not handle color balance issues as well as filters with more gradual transitions.

Red Leakage and Sensor Sensitivity:

Camera sensors, especially those with silicon-based detectors, are often more sensitive to red wavelengths. Sharp cutoffs might not adequately manage the red leakage, potentially resulting in color casts or dominance in your images.

Gradual Transition Filters:

Many modern UV/IR cut filters use a more gradual transition to address the specific needs of camera sensors. These filters, like those found in heat-absorbing or blue-turquoise glasses, provide a smoother transition between transmitted and blocked wavelengths. This can help reduce color casts and maintain a more balanced color reproduction.

Absorptive vs. Dichroic Filters:

Absorptive filters, which absorb unwanted wavelengths rather than reflecting them, tend to offer smoother filtering compared to dichroic filters. Dichroic filters reflect unwanted wavelengths and can create sharp cutoffs, while absorptive filters typically provide a more gradual filtering effect, which can be beneficial for managing color balance and reducing red dominance.

Aftermarket Solutions:

Many aftermarket UV/IR cut filters are designed with these smoother transitions in mind, addressing common issues like red leakage and color casts. These filters are often optimized for better image clarity and color accuracy, making them a good option if you are experiencing issues with color balance using standard filters.

Full Spectrum Camera IRC700 Filter Auto WB Full Spectrum Camera IRC700 Filter Grey Card WB Non-converted Camera OEM UV/IR Cut Filter Auto WB Non-converted Camera OEM UV/IR Cut Filter Grey Card WB Change Settings


The image produced using the Auto White Balance (WB) setting exhibits an expected leakage of infrared (IR) light, as indicated by the abrupt curve at 700 nm. Most OEM UV/IR cut filters typically attenuate wavelengths between 615 nm and 650 nm, resulting in a noticeable red cast in the overall image. On the color checker, the 019 square (pure white) shows the following values:

R 255
G 244
B 248

Once the image has been balanced using the grey card or the 023 (R100, G100, B100), the color cast is eliminated, and the image accurately reflects the original scene's colors. The 019 square now yields the following values:

R 246
G 246
B 246

Using a Custom White Balance (WB) with the OEM UV/IR Cut filter results in an RGB value of 247 across each channel. This demonstrates the accuracy of the WB calibration within the 400 nm to 700 nm range on my camera.

It's important to note that results may vary across different camera models due to varying manufacturing specifications. Therefore, no broad conclusions can be drawn from these tests. However, it can be concluded that a Fujifilm X-T30 converted to Full Spectrum performs well with the IRC700nm UV/IR Cut filter from Tangsinuo's factory.

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IRC 650nm

The IRC 650nm optical filter review.

What is a UV/IR Cut Filter

Regular camera sensors are designed to detect a wide range of wavelengths, including UV and IR light, which can lead to unwanted color shifts and reduced image sharpness when shooting standard photos. A UV/IR cut filter blocks these non-visible wavelengths, ensuring that only visible light reaches the sensor.

For photographers who enjoy capturing images in ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) spectrums but still want the versatility to take regular photos, UV/IR cut filters are a must-have accessory. This allows you to seamlessly switch between specialized UV/IR photography and normal photography without compromising image quality. By using a UV/IR cut filter, you can maintain the flexibility of your full spectrum camera while ensuring crisp, color-accurate images in everyday shooting scenarios.

The IRC 650nm filter

The Infrared Cut filter of 650nm, also known as the IRC 650nm filter, is a UV/IR Cut filter designed to block infrared light beyond 650nm. Given its ability to effectively cut off wavelengths above this threshold, the IRC650 should be well-suited for restoring a full spectrum camera back to the visible spectrum (ViS). By filtering out the IR light above 650nm, it ensures that the camera captures images within the visible light range, thereby maintaining accurate color reproduction and image clarity.

Most OEM camera filters cut wavelengths around 650nm to 700nm, effectively eliminating any unwanted red hue in the final image. This filter features a steep transition curve, dropping from around 98% light transmission to 0% at 650nm. Such a steep cutoff is generally suitable for filters used in astrophotography, as it allows H-alpha (which peaks at 656nm) to pass through fully. However, since this filter cuts off at 650nm, it may not be the best choice for astrophotography. This is why I was hesitant to test it as a UV/IR cut filter, as its cutoff point is similar to that of most DSLR and mirrorless cameras.

IRC650nm Test and Sample Images

A filter test was conducted using a still life scene that included a color chart and a gray card for accurate white balance (WB). The setup featured a plant with green leaves to check for any IR leakage on the vegetation. Initially, the WB was set to Auto, and then a custom WB was performed on the gray card during post-processing. The images below illustrate the color deviation when compared to those taken with a non-converted camera.

Full Spectrum Camera IRC650 Filter Auto WB Full Spectrum Camera IRC650 Filter Grey Card WB Non-converted Camera OEM UV/IR Cut Filter Auto WB Non-converted Camera OEM UV/IR Cut Filter Grey Card WB Change Settings


The image produced in Auto White Balance (WB) mode is usable straight out of the camera, with no signs of IR light leaking through to the sensor. The overall color balance appears to be accurate.

The main drawback of this filter becomes evident when using a custom WB set with a grey card. The balance skews heavily towards green, resulting in a pronounced green cast across the entire image. Interestingly, I've found that using a white surface instead of a grey card yields a more balanced WB.

However, there is still a noticeable green cast around the edges of the image. This green tint, reminiscent of the vignetting often associated with lower-quality lenses or filters, is attributed to the specific properties of the IRC650nm filter. Although I've heard of this issue before, I hadn’t personally encountered it with any other filters or UV/IR Cut filters I've tested until now.

This colour vignetting is most prominent when using wide-angle lenses and lessens as the field of view narrows. In this particular case, a 14mm lens (20mm on APS-C) was used, making the green cast quite significant. The effect becomes even more apparent when the camera is aimed at a clear, homogeneous surface, as demonstrated in the following images.

Fuji X-T30 Full Spectrum Camera | Fujinon 14mm |IRC650nm | Auto WB

Fuji X-T30 Full Spectrum Camera | Fujinon 14mm |IRC650nm | Auto WB

As demonstrated in the images above, the vignetting is too pronounced to overlook. I would not recommend using this filter if your goal is to restore the camera's original UVIR cut filter properties.

As a landscape photographer, I can’t imagine working with such a heavily cast image. In previous posts, I've reviewed the BCF 700nm filter and the IRF from Tangsinuo's supplier—both of which are far better suited for this purpose. While the IRC650nm may be more affordable than the other two, I wouldn't suggest it as a viable alternative.

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