Introduction & Guide


True Color Infrared's tests and results on lenses
for hotspot and usability in infrared photography

Lenses & tests

The IR Hotspot Lens Database is an essential resource for photographers who rely on infrared (IR) imaging. Hotspots, unwanted bright areas typically caused by internal reflections within lenses, can significantly degrade image quality. Thoughtful and comprehensive testing of lenses using different longpass filters is crucial, as hotspots can manifest across a variety of wavelengths. By systematically documenting the performance of lenses under various IR conditions, users can make informed decisions, ensuring optimal image clarity and fidelity for their specific applications. This database not only helps in selecting the right equipment but also advances the overall understanding of IR photography and its technical challenges.

What is this Database?

How to read the ratings

star: Shows hotspots at all appertures, in at least one or two filters.
starstar: Shows hotspots in some appertures, affecting the sharpest ones in one or more filters.
starstarstar: Shows minor hotsposts in some filters. Mainly usable at least at one or two sharpest appertures.
starstarstarstar: Shows minor hotspots, only at one or two filters, not affecting sharpest appertures.
starstarstarstarstar: No hotspots, your dream lens!

Star Visual Scale

Fujifilm X-Mount

Tests on the run. Please come back later to see the results.


7Artisans 35mm f/1.4 Mark II

starstarstarstar starstarstarstarstar Longpass

Lens Model

True Color IR 7Artisans 25mm f/1.8 starstarstar starstarstarstar


TTArtisan 35mm f/1.4 starstar starstarstar Longpass

Lens Model

True Color IR TTArtisan 25mm f/2 starstar starstar


Meike 35mm f/1.7

starstarstar starstarstarstar Longpass

Lens Model

True Color IR Meike 25mm f/1.8 starstar starstar
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