

  • Kolari IR Chrome vs. Aliexpress Aerochrome filters (Pt.2)

    Kolari ir chrome VS. Aliexpress Aerochrome filters: Part 2 In my previous article, I presented the main technical aspects, similarities and differences between the Kolari IR Chrome filter and the Aliexpress Aerochrome Filter. colorimetric analysis The differences between these two filters reveal two closely matched options in terms of light transmission and colorimetry. However, the…

  • Kolari IR Chrome vs. Aliexpress IR Chrome filters (Pt.1)

    Kolari Vision IR Chrome vs Aliexpress aerochrome filter: Part I With the rise of digital photography and the increasing popularity of infrared photography among both amateur and professional photographers, the market has seen the introduction of various dedicated filters for full-spectrum cameras. One notable innovation is the Kolari Vision IR Chrome filter. Its release sparked…

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